
This is Tallulah our Dep Red Moyen/Klein Poodle.  

These types of Poodle are not recognised in the UK.  They are the 4th Size, ie Medium.  Moyen is Medium in French and Klein is Medium in German.  Either is used to describe these Poodles, depending where you think they originated from (Germany!!).  She stands just under 19” tall, so bigger than a Minature but smaller than a Standard. Beautiful temperament, loves people, animals, children, not a bad bone in her body.  

I like to let my Poodles coats grow out as I love them to look like teddybears.  I can’t go out my front door with her without someone wanting to know what she is.  She really does look stunning, her colour really pops when its a sunny day.  She’s really used to a lot of attention as she always gets it when out on a walk.  If I walk her along the hight street or along the beach I’m guaranteed to be stopped so people can stroke her.

She’s been health tested for PRA and is clear.  She also has a BVA eye Certificate and Glaucoma Clear.  The BVA vet was so impressed with her eyes he said she was a 9.9 to 10, if he was grading out of 10.  Wow, we are so happy with that!

She was very energetic as a puppy and loved her walks, or should I say runs, she’s really fast and doesn’t stop the whole time she’s out. She’s calming down now, as they do when they start to get to 2 years of age.

When you meet her she will love you. Her tail will wag and wag….she nearly takes off! When on the lead she calms right down and walks nicely by your side.   


This is Scarlett, she is full Sister to Tallulah, so again a beautiful Moyen/Klein type, standing at 19” to the shoulder.
She is identical to Tallulah and I cannot tell them apart when there coats are at the same length. Scarlett is a year younger than Tallulah and proving to be exactly the same temperament.

As her size is not recognised by the Kennell Club she cannot be registered.  Her Father is a very sought after Deep Red Minature Poodle, so there is pedigree paperwork to verify lineage.

I am so happy with Tallulah and Scarlett, they are a lovely size for a family pet, there colours are gorgeous and their temperaments are just perfect. Not a horrible bone in their bodies.

Moving forward, these two are going to be my foundation females for all my future poodles.
I have already picked out the Poodle father, so will be watching him closely over the next year or so, to see what he produces with other females.
Her first mating will be of course with Stanley to produce Cockapoos, after that I will be mating her with the new Poodle for my own line.

She is extensively DNA health tested.


This is Bronwyn, we bred her ourselves, she is the daughter of Keera, one of my other minature Poodles.   Bronwyn is a beautiful chocolate colour as you can see in the photo which was taken down Bournemouth Beach in 2018.

She stands at around 15″ to the shoulder, which is a nice size and very well proportioned.

She again is a little spitfire when it comes to running.  Poodles are actually really fast runners and she loves nothing more that running at top speed chasing after all the others.

She is a lovely little girl and the youngest of my dogs, very sweet natured.  She loves playing with all the other dogs, infact any dog she meets.  She actually perfers them to people.

As with all my dogs there is not a horrible bone in her body. Shes very quiet at home and I would rate her as submissive in temperament.  Submissive dogs are ideal as pets as you dont get any dominant behaviour with them.

As she is a recognised Pedigree breed she is therefore Kennel Club Registered and like all my dogs is extensively DNA health tested far beyond any recommendations from the UK Kennel Club.





different images of Bronwyn